Baby and Child Immunisations
When your baby is born, the hospital will send us the associated paperwork. After this, we will send you a letter with an appointment date and time for your baby’s first appointment for immunisations with a Practice Nurse at the surgery – this will be from the time your baby is 8 weeks of age. Your mother and baby check with the GP will also be booked for around this time.
If the appointment date or time do not work for you, please contact us (call 01626 334411 or come to the surgery).
Your baby will have their second immunisations 4 weeks after the first appointment.
The third immunisations will be 4 weeks after the second appointment.
Children are also due immunisations at 1 year old, and then again at 3 year and 4 months. You can contact the surgery to book these appointments, however invitations for these appointments will be sent in the post.
COVID-19 Vaccination
In line with current government guidance, we’ve sent invites for the COVID-19 winter booster vaccination to all patients who are:
- Aged 65 or over (or turning 65 by 31st March 2024)
- Aged 18 to 64 and at increased risk from COVID-19 (this includes patients who are currently pregnant)
- Aged 18 to 64 and live with someone who has a weakened immune system
Residents of care homes are also eligible, and our Nursing team have been vaccinating our eligible patients over the past weeks.
Health and social care workers, as well as carers, are also eligible for this booster (if you care for someone registered at Albany but you are registered at a different surgery, you will need to contact your surgery for an appointment – or book through the National Booking System (click here) if your surgery isn’t offering COVID-19 vaccinations).
We are currently not vaccinating patients under the age of 18. If you or a family member are under 18 and would like to book an appointment, you should do this through the National Booking System (click here).
We are currently offering COVID-19 vaccinations in our COVID and Flu clinics, so if you have not yet had the vaccine and you’d like to, please look out for the latest information from us on future clinics, or book a vaccine through the National Booking System (click here).
Shingles Vaccination
Shingles is a common condition that causes a painful rash. It can sometimes lead to serious problems like long-lasting pain, hearing loss, or blindness. As you get older your risk of getting shingles will rise, so the shingles vaccine is recommended for:
- All adults currently aged 70 to 79
- All adults who turned 65 from 1st September 2023
It’s also recommended for people with a severely weakened immune system who are aged 50 or over.
You will remain eligible for the shingles vaccine up to your 80th birthday, so if you haven’t had the vaccine yet you may still be eligible.
If you’re insure about when you will become eligible, please take a look at the chart below.

Please contact us (call us on 01626 334411, or come to the surgery) to book in for the vaccination.
Travel Vaccinations
A number of vaccinations needed for travel are available on the NHS. Other vaccinations can be obtained privately at a private travel vaccination clinic, or a pharmacy which offers travel healthcare services.
For more information on which vaccines are available on the NHS and which aren’t, please click here for the Travel Vaccinations page.
If you’re planning to go abroad and would like to discuss travel vaccines with one of our Practice Nurses, please contact the surgery (please call 01626 334411 or come to the surgery to book this). The Practice Nurse will want to speak to you before an appointment is made to have the vaccinations to get more information on what you need and if we can offer it.
If you think you may need travel vaccinations, please contact us well in advance (at least 6-8 weeks before you’re due to travel) as some vaccines need to be given in stages, and others need to be given well in advance for the immunity to develop.