Practice Policies

Conflicts of Interest

Albany Surgery has a Practice Policy around the acceptance and handling of gifts and or donations to both the practice as an entity, and to individual partners and staff.

As part of its NHS Contract obligations the Surgery is required to maintain and publish on its website and up to date register containing full and accurate details of all such gifts, hospitality, inducements and actual or potential conflicts of interest.


Gifts & Hospitality Register


Green Impact for Health is a scheme which encourages GP surgeries to work in more sustainable ways, and think about the impact of our day-to-day actions. The Green Impact For Health Toolkit was started in 2014 and right now, nearly 1,000 GP surgeries are taking part. Albany is delighted to be a part of the scheme, and we’re actively taking steps to reduce our carbon footprint. The climate emergency is also a health emergency, and health care in the UK contributes 5.4% of the UK’s carbon emissions.

We need to enhance the health of our current population without compromising the health of future generations, and this means operating within the sustainable boundaries of the planet. Fortunately most of the solutions for the planet also make our health better – for example eating a mainly plant-based diet, engaging in active travel and exercise in nature, avoiding smoking, reducing pollution, all enhance our health and reduce our need for medications, with further benefits to the NHS, your health and the carbon footprint of healthcare.

Click here to learn more about this scheme.

Zero Tolerance

The NHS operate a zero tolerance policy with regard to unacceptable standards of behaviour. The practice has the right to remove patients from the list with immediate effect in order to safeguard practice staff, patients and other persons. Violence in this context includes actual or threatened physical violence or verbal abuse which leads to fear for a person’s safety. In this situation we will notify the patient in writing of their removal from the list and record in the patient’s medical records the fact of the removal and the circumstances leading to it.

Examples of Unacceptable Standards of Behaviour

  • Violence.
  • Excessive noise e.g. recurrent loud or intrusive conversation or shouting.
  • Threatening or abusive language involving swearing or offence remarks.
  • Derogatory racial or sexual remarks.
  • Malicious allegations relating to members of staff, other patients or visitors.
  • Offensive sexual gestures or behaviours.
  • Abusing alcohol or drugs on practice premises.
  • Drug dealing on practice premises.
  • Wilful damage to practice property.
  • Threats or threatening behaviour.
  • Theft

We ask you to treat our GPs and staff courteously at all times.