Patient Participation Group

Who are the PPG?

The PPG is open to all registered patients and to anyone who is a Carer of a registered patient. No training is required to become a member, just a genuine interest in taking positive action to help your practice by giving your constructive opinion and some time.

You can get involved in the work of the PPG in a number of ways. You can participate as much or as little as you are able or wish to.

Ideally the PPG will reflect the diversity of the registered patients including for example by age, gender, ethnicity and health issues.

What has the PPG been established to do?

  • Facilitate good relations between the practice and patients by communicating patient experience, interest and concerns.
  • Provide constructive feedback to the practice on current procedures and any proposed new developments.
  • Work collaboratively and positively with the practice to improve services and facilities for patients.
  • Act as a representative group to support the practice and influence local provision of health and social care.

The PPG does not:

  • Deal with personal medical issues or complaints.

You could join the PPG Core Group:

The core group is the formal group of a maximum of 15 people including an elected Chair and other officers. It generally meets every two – three months for a couple of hours during the day at a time to suit the majority of attendees and also has a formal Annual General Meeting. Practice staff also attend these meetings.

Getting more involved:

So are you interested and want to find out more? Or would you prefer an informal chat with the Chair of the group first? Email your interest to or phone the surgery and speak to the Practice Manager.

If you would like to enrol, please click here to complete the online form. Alternatively, you can drop into the surgery and collect a paper form from our front desk (please be aware of our opening times if coming in).

PPG Surveys and Minutes

Patient Participation Group Report 2014/15