Mental Health

Are you in a crisis, emergency or breakdown?

Call 999 or go to A&E now if someone’s life is at risk – for example they have seriously injured themselves or taken an overdose OR you do not feel you can keep yourself or someone else safe.

Get advice from 111 or ask for an urgent GP appointment if:

  • You need help regarding your mental health, but it’s not an emergency
  • You’re not sure what to do

Use the NHS 111 online service, or call 111 (24hours a day, seven days a week) who will tell you the right place to get help if you need to see someone. 

Is your mental or emotional state rapidly getting worse? Are you in crisis or despair? Are you worried about someone you know? Help is available.

It’s important you get help quickly. You are not alone; talk to someone you trust.

Sharing a problem is often the first step to feeling better.

If you need to talk, any time of day or night there are services to help you

These services offer confidential advice from trained volunteers. Most are free to call. You can talk about anything that is troubling you, no matter how difficult:

  • Call 116 123 to talk to Samaritans or email: for a reply within 24 hours.
  • Under 19? You can call 0800 1111 to talk to ChildLine.
  • Mental Health matters Devon helpline provides a 24/7, 365 day mental health help on 0800 4700317
  • Text “SHOUT” to 85258 to contact the Shout Crisis Text Line, or text “YM” if you are under 19.
  • Call Devon Partnership NHS Trust for urgent concerns about mental health and/or learning disability. This helpline is available 24/7 for all ages on 0300 555 5000
  • The Moorings offer out-of-hours mental health support to anyone aged 16+ on 07483991848 (6pm until midnight, 7 days a week) or email:
  • HOPELINEUK provides confidential support for young people who are having thoughts of suicide on 0800 068 4141 or text: 07860039967, or email: (9am-10pm weekdays, 2pm-10pm weekends, 2pm-10pm bankholidays)

Other helpful sites to support your mental health:

Stressed, worried or overwhelmed?

From finances to family, isolation to injury, there are lots of things that can affect your mental health.

Find out more about SilverClouds online mental wellbeing programmes at 

use sign up code: NWPCN.